The GLI Network is an alliance of organisations promoting international solidarity among trade union organizations and other organizations and movements of civil society. These share the objective of achieving a democratic and sustainable world society, based on the principles of social justice, freedom and the rule of law. GLI Network members are service organizations to the labour movement, guided by the values and principles of democratic socialism.
The members of the GLI Network are currently GLI Geneva, GLI Manchester, the GLI Rabochaya Politika, ReAct (GLI Paris), and Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (GLI New York). We also have close links with unions, international union federations and labour movement NGOs throughout the world. Each network member is independent and autonomous, but we work together cooperatively, coordinated by the GLI Network Board, generally meeting twice a year.
The founding statement of GLI Geneva, which serves as the mission statement of the network as a whole, can be found here.